Design and construction of a new primary school for approx 904 students. The building will be a two-story structure with a three-story wing, partial cellar and mechanical penthouse and have an approx total gross area of 111,402 S.F. The site includes one large playground and one early childhood playground.
Design and construction of the addition building of 55,694 square feet , 5 stories (1 below ground) with a capacity for 540 students and connecting corridors from 2nd through 5th floor of the existing building. Demolition of first floor.
Design and construction of a primary school for approx 704 students. The building will be a four-story structure with a full cellar and mechanical penthouse and have an approx total gross area of 95,500 sf. The site includes one large playground and one early childhood playground.
94,000 SF, fast-tracked Design-Build school constructed with spread footing foundation, structural steel and masonry with precast components.
40,000 SF play yard constructed with all associated site civil improvements.
93,000 SF, fast-tracked Design-Build school constructed with friction pile foundations, structural steel and masonry with precast components. Completed from 10% conceptual design to substantial completion in 840 days including all regulatory and agency approvals. First NYC Green School Design-Build and one of the first NYC SCA to implement NYC Green Schools Protocols.